How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spider
• Find out how to get rid of spiders in the house and how to prevent spiders from coming in.
• The below are all natural spider repellents that won't cause them, or you, any harm.
• Find out if conkers really repel spiders in the home.
Most species of spider are harmless to humans but if you're one of the many people who doesn't like to share their home with any eight-legged friends – but don't want to resort to causing spiders any harm – follow these top tips for keeping arachnids at bay with natural spider repellents.
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We are most likely to see spiders in our homes during autumn, when shorter, darker days and colder temperatures see the annual migration of spiders from our gardens to our homes.
As the spiders flee dropping temperatures and travel further afield in search of a mate, autumn represents the time of year you're most likely to encounter an eight-legged visitor scuttling around your home.
That being said, it is possible to have spiders in the home at any time of year. Here are some ideas for spider repellents...
How to get rid of spiders: 18 natural methods
1. Spider Catcher

Spider Catcher Vacuum Insect Catcher
Lakeland have reported that this is one of their best-selling spider products. The spider catcher is a battery-operated vacuum which gently picks up the spider and allows you to take it outside without hurting it.
2. Peppermint oil
Some strong scents are great spider repellents and, happily, many of us already use them as home fragrances. Peppermint oil (£3.09, Amazon) is a particularly popular remedy, just add 15 to 20 drops of the essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spritz around the house. Other good options for this include tea-tree, lavender and rose. Changing the oil that you use regularly can help to ensure that the remedy continues to be effective.

Why not use an essential oil diffuser for even distribution? We like this Amazon best seller from VicTsing:

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3. Cinnamon
Similar to the above, spiders are also thought to dislike the smell of cinnamon. It can come in dried sticks used for cooking, cinnamon oil or cinnamon-scented candles.
4. Vinegar
Should the essential oils not work, this is another version of the same remedy. Fill a spray bottle (£2.99, Amazon) with half white vinegar and half water and spray in corners, cracks and crevices to ward off spiders. Be careful to avoid varnished surfaces as vinegar can be somewhat harsh on their appearance.

5. Get cleaning
Spiders like to have places to hide and one of the best ways to prevent this is by keeping your house neat and tidy through regular tidying, cleansing and de-cluttering. Opt for plastic storage containers rather than cardboard boxes as these are harder for spiders to crawl into. Also dust and vacuum regularly to rid your house of unwanted webs.

6. Regularly check your fruit bowl
Fruit flies are a delicious snack for spiders so make sure your regularly check your fruit bowl for any gone-off food that might attract them.
7. Protect the exterior of your house
Make sure spiders don't get into your house in the first place by moving anything that they would be likely to hide in away from any exterior walls. This could include leaves, grass clippings, vegetation, compost or woodpiles. Check door openings and window sills for any cracks that spiders could crawl through and seal these with caulk. Also fix torn window screens and cover vents and chimneys with fine mesh.

8. Plant a eucalyptus tree in the garden
As well as being low maintenance and smelling wonderful, the strong medicinal scent will repel spiders. If you don't have room for a eucalyptus tree, plant mint (£0.99 for seeds, Amazon) or lavender (£1.70 for seeds, Amazon) underneath or near windows, as again the strong smell will drive spiders away.

9. Citrus
Spiders supposedly hate all citrus scents, so rub citrus peel along skirting boards, window sills and bookshelves. Use lemon-scented cleaners and furniture polish, and burn citronella candles both inside and outside of your home (£9.35 for 2, Amazon).

10. Turn off your lights
While light itself doesn't attract spiders, it does attract the insects that spiders feast on so turn off the outside lights to prevent spiders coming near the house. Stop indoor lights from shining through outdoors by using opaque blinds and shades. If you do need to keep the lights on, use yellow sodium vapour lights as these are less likely to attract insects.

11. Conkers
Old wives' tales have it that spiders are repelled by chestnuts. While not scientifically proven to work – like a peppermint spray is – scattering a few conkers on windowsills and in the corners of rooms certainly won't do any harm and many people swear by it as a spider deterrent.
Warning! Conkers can be poisonous so please consult your vet before putting these in your home if you have pets.

12. Cedar
Another scent that spiders are said to detest is cedar. Hauling a cedar plant into your home isn't exactly practical, however, but there are many products on offer to give this one a try. John Lewis offers a range of options to hang in wardrobes or put in drawers or corners. Sand them down every now and then to refresh the scent, what's more the woody aroma is said to repel clothes moths too.

13. Garlic
Known for its vampire-repelling properties, turns out spiders don't like the smell of this pungent bulb either. Depending on how strong a scent you yourself can cope with, either put whole cloves or crushed cloves into a spray bottle filled with water and use to scent the corners, floors and skirting boards of any room prone to receiving unwanted guests.

14. Move your bins
Spiders are attracted to flies and flies are attracted to bins so make sure your bins are not kept too close to the house, if possible. They should especially be kept away from windows and doors. Always keep bin lids closed, too.
15. Consider a cat
This method will undoubtedly harm the spider as cats are expert hunters, but it does prevent the use of insecticides and chemicals in the home. Cats aren't suitable for every household, due to allergies and lifestyle but, if you are a cat person, they are excellent spider repellents.
16. Cover your pet food
Talking of cats and all other household pets, it's important to keep their food covered and sealed so it doesn't attract flies and insects which will, in tun, draw in spiders.
17. Seal any cracks in exterior walls
This is not only good at preventing unwanted pests entering your home but it will also help keep your house warm. Survey your home for any cracks in external walls and around the edge of doors and windows and seal them closed.
18. Take your recycling out regularly
Leftover food or sugary drinks in bottles and cans can attract flies and, in turn, spiders. Empty bottles and cans also make good homes for spiders so make sure you empty your recycling boxes regularly.
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How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spider