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Let s Never Talk About This Again Because Iiiii Didn t Want It to Mean That Much to Me


Hang on a tick. This doesn't seem right.


very not right.

Suddenly, earlier she even has fourth dimension to move, Hakuno is flung backwards. Rather than crashing into the wall at the cease of the corridor, she winds upward…

"THIS State of affairs IS GETTING WORSE VERY Rapidly"

I've grown tired of strangling cormorants. For once, I wanted to feel what I was doing…"
"… what the fuck does that even mean!?"

" 'cause Gauge WHERE THIS IS GOING"

"BITCH I'M Fabulous"

What a shame, nosotros've run out of time. The system's limits saved your life. Hopefully we'll fight once again some solar day. I'thousand looking forward to it."
"Only that wasn't three rounds-"

The locale – a Reality Marble maybe? – dissipates, and Hakuno returns to the offset-flooring corridor safety and sound. With company.

"My Caster came along and physically blocked it. Your Servant is and so shit that they can only exist an Assassinator."
"WHO TOLD Y- I hateful, yous can't prove that."

Either manner, yous managed to survive the Demon'south Fist."
"The secret is lube."

Kuzuki's aureola 'sharpens' every bit he approaches Hakuno, as if becoming an invisible bract.


Rin out of fucking nowhere. Kuzuki recognizes her by vocalism alone.

Although I'1000 pretty difficult to miss."
"Still with the enormous pigtails. Trying to lure any stray pedophiles yous happen to cross?"
"You tell me, Julius Berkisk Harway. Since you're from the foundation's counter-terrorism unit."
"You're fucking nicked, matey."

"I tin't exercise it when you're watching!"


Julius backs the fuck down upon realizing that he'll have to tangle with two teenage girls if he sticks around whatsoever longer, though non without a threatening comment about remembering Hakuno's proper noun. And then he literally melts into the wall.

With an unscrupulous enemy like that, I meliorate exist on my guard at all times in the schoolhouse."

Yous're my enemy, too. Information technology'south non like I care if you died now.B-baka. I'k impressed you lot made it past the second round. I didn't recollect y'all had it in you."
"I thought you were already impressed when I told yous all about how I beat Shinji without even knowing what a Noble Phantasm was."
"Don't interrupt me!"

Exist careful not to lose the life that just got saved for y'all in the third round!"
"God damn woman, dial down the tsun-tsun before the baka reaches Asuka levels."


And now, to business proper. According to the bulletin lath, this week Hakuno will be facing-


Run across Alice. She is our opponent this week. She is as well x years old.

I bet she has cancer too.

Or maybe yous didn't notice me. Afterwards all, Alice was just staring at you… Alice thinks you lot and I can exist friends, lady. Finally Alice will take a friend of her own. That's why when you lot left, lady, I was and then sad and lone. But… when I came to this identify, Alice was lucky enough to meet Alice. Alice is Alice's only friend. Alice finally found a friend in Alice. That's why you aren't needed any more. Every bit long as Alice has Alice, nothing else matters. But you are my next playmate, so I guess I'll have to play with you."

"… what the fuck are you talking about, child?"

Alice departs, leaving Hakuno in a miasma of bewilderment.

Don't let her looks fool you. She's already killed two Masters then DO Non let your guard down."
"Caster, come on. If I jumped out of a bin at her wearing a scary mask and yelled 'boo' she'd probably cry for eight hours. Dial it down."

Hakuno's phone chimes, informing her of the showtime Trigger'south generation.

I think I'm better prepared for the possibility that we might get paired now."
"You never know. I could go murdered by a x-year-old this Sunday."

Observe annihilation else?

Ane more student is missing.

"Hurk… h-hurk…"
"… what're you trying to do?"
"Shit, looks similar I'm out of yew poison. I'll have to go get some Mystery Meat Casserole from the commissary to recharge."

Up on the roof, Rin is one time again available for advice.

Lucky or not, y'all've managed to keep winning. I gauge I'll take to first taking you seriously."
[Heavy sigh] "Are yous going to trot out some variant of that every god-damn time I survive a round?"
"It'll simply exist a trouble if you keep surviving! Speaking of which, bad luck on your opponent this calendar week. Just imagine getting beaten by a ten-year-old."

"Why exercise people dislike me so?"
"Let me count the ways."

On the manner dorsum down to the footing floor, Hakuno is one time again accosted.


By an excited ten-twelvemonth-former in a frilly dress wanting to play tag.


Resistance Is Futile.

She is me, and I am her! We are ourselves! Let's start at present! Tag, you're information technology! Alice volition exist waiting for y'all in the Arena. Hurry up and come get me!"
"I swear, every discussion out of your mouth is a full mindf-"
[Alice glares]

"Wow, you lot're even more excited than usual. You must be happy to find an intellectual equal."
"I'll sa-hey!"

But before we become, Taiga has another important mission for united states of america!


Taiga yous silly bowwow, ever making us practice your busywork. Oh hey, it's Miss 'Oh My Perfect Darling' in the hallway to the Loonshit again! You're always practiced for a laugh.


how many weeks of this is left, again?


Yeah Alice'southward servant is Alice of Wonderland fame. I didn't even have to meet her to know this time. At least Rider really had me fooled by the Invincible Fleet bait-and-switch. I swear, with Gawain equally the endpoint of 'literally introduced by name', Servants are just getting easier and easier to place.

She's close, Master. We'll pounce on her and ravish her bones… Uh, not the way you're thinking!"
"Pulley what the actual fuck."

Anyway, the game isn't exactly a game. Alice waits at a couple of trigger points to go 'catch me catch me' and run abroad, but it'south all scripted. You can merely explore the Arena flooring at your leisure until you're ready to caput for the Trigger code location, where Alice will be waiting for you.


Submitted for girly run.

"And so you're going to slut-shame her and so ravish her?"
"You're mean ;~;"
"How observant of you lot."

Hey lady… do you desire to hear Alice'southward story?"
"If she'd stop speaking in the third person."
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice, who lived in a country far, far away from here…"


I'm seeing double!

The sky got actually red and and so my business firm got really blackness. And then I woke up in a white room. Nil always changed. I had no friends. I had no Mommy or Daddy."

Only something happened that hurt so much that I couldn't tough it out. Then I woke upward here. But information technology's okay. It's really fun here. In that location are a bunch of nice people."

I'grand not very good at sewing, but I'm sure I can, at the very to the lowest degree, stitch them together."
"As long as they're in one slice, I guess information technology'd be okay."
"Of course information technology'd be okay."
"What a relief. I wouldn't want to make Mommy mad again."

This Principal isn't like the two before. We tin touch this Principal and they even accept warm blood."
"… still excited, Pulley?"
"Daddy I don't want to exist in the Moon Cell any more."
"Retrieve I know the feeling."

The girls decide that 'he' might want to play with Hakuno too. They raise their hands in unison, and with a bang-up surge of magic, summon…




Aaaand yup there we have it. Servant-Alice is a Caster and that's the Jabberwocky she just summoned as a familiar/imitation Servant/whatever. Solved on the first day. How embarrassing.

Anyhow, I ran from the Jabberwocky because its stats are set to thoroughly absurd levels on Twenty-four hour period 1. Basically the only way to defeat it is to have a level 99 Retainer and spam all their almost powerful Skills at every opportunity. This is noteworthy because in that location is in fact a bonus scene should you defeat information technology – the Alices become "oh wow you really did information technology, hawkward >>" and your Servant notes that their final blow was weaker than intended, then y'all still have to do what I'm virtually to practice so that you can fight and kill it properly on Solar day 2.

After escaping the battle, Caster immediately jumps to the determination that Alice and "black Alice" (that's racist) are twins who are sharing a contract with the Jabberwocky whom she assumes is a Berserker. Shame on you lot, Caster. You of all people should know that Casters are the class that go to spam mooks and meat shields.

The adjacent forenoon, Hakuno awakes to a somewhat chilling sight.


WHO YA GONNA Phone call!?



In that way, the SE.RA.PH resembles the primordial sea from which unicellular organisms sprung. But every bit those bacteria grew into humans, so too do the conditions of SE.RA.PH allow for evolution. That pseudo lifeform must take been generated from data evolving in the SE.RA.PH. It'southward merely an repeat of someone who one time lived. It's harmless data, don't worry about it."
"Oh. Is that all? The system can just spontaneously create life whenever it feels like it?"
"Which and then dies immediately. I sensed an NPC effort to follow me during the preliminaries and chief its own Figure. It got slaughtered without fifty-fifty putting up a fight. It was kind of hilarious. Silly matter didn't even have magic circuits."
"Yous're a lilliputian psychopath, y'know that right?"
"Father says that'due south the mark of a great businessman and leader."
"It is incommunicable to talk to yous."

Frolicking with your opponent is pretty freaking inappropriate."
"She's also ten dude. What's she going to practice, kick me in the shins?"
"Get yous arrested more than likely."
"… touché, my friend. Touché."

"GAH stop sneaking up on me like that kid!"
"Never. You brand funny faces when I scare you lot."
"… can't argue with that."

Time to get the length and latitude of the schoolhouse looking for Alice! Oh well, nosotros had randies to talk to anyhow.

Miss Hot Servant is withal alive and splooshing all over the hallways at how hot her Servant is. Flower Girl at the fountain outside the chapel is talking well-nigh flowers that represent 'innocence' and 'purity'.

I hateful what a creepy petty troll… only the sight of him disgusts me."
"Iiiii'thou pretty sure that's a existent x-year-sometime playing Alice."
"Oh sure. And Francis Drake swapped places with the Queen of England."

Farther down the hallway, we discover Alice. Her thought of hiding was to only stand outside the Arena entrance. Non exactly the brightest of her generation, huh. As a reward for finding her, she agrees to reply some questions. Trying to ask almost the Alice in black merely leads to a non-answer, leading me to wonder why they even requite you a selection at all. When asked to brand her 'friend' the Jabberwocky move, Alice informs Hakuno that she'll need a Vorpal Blade to get by it. I'm not even going to gloat about calling it, I'm just kind of dreading having to sit through 4 more days of foreshadowing when the mystery has already been conclusively solved.

And so we come to the bulk of Day 2. We need a Vorpal Blade, only that shit ain't merely lying around. We enquire Rin about it, who says that we have to find an alchemist to transmute 1 for us. We ask Issei where nosotros'd detect an alchemist, so he directs the states to Rani. Rani tin can practise it for us, but we need Malachite as the alchemic base. We go back to Rin to inquire for Malachite just she won't just give it to us for free so she wants us to go her a Cherry-red she hacked into the Commissary'southward stock. The Ruby costs five million Grail-dollars and even if you lot have the cash on a NG+ bike Hakuno volition still turn down to buy it considering of how hideously expensive information technology is. However the Commissary clerk volition offering to give it to you lot free in commutation for one of Sakura's boxed lunches.

And so you get to Sakura to get her to make you lunch to requite to the Commissary clerk to become the Carmine to give to Rin to requite you lot Malachite to give to Rani to get the Vorpal Blade to kill the Jabberwocky to get the starting time Trigger code to grab the cat that ate the rat thatlivedinthehousethatJACKBUILT .

*deep breath*

And so I had to substitution the Large Cauldron I plant for the Manga with the student in the schoolyard every bit ane last 'fuck y'all'. Why did he even desire the Big Cauldron?


I bet this manga is Dinarangers you sick freak.

"If it doesn't piece of work subsequently everything I had to do to get it I volition shove it so far upwardly the Jabberwocky's ass that I'll be able to decapitate it from the INSIDE"


Funnily enough, the Jabberwocky doesn't stay notwithstanding. It sort of idly wanders virtually staring at the walls and feeling bored. Regardless, the Vorpal Blade does its job and weakens the Jabberwocky'southward protective aura, allowing information technology to be harmed.


It looks so grumpy about it, too.


Caster'south Magic is approaching A-rank, and I can tell. I halved the Jabberwocky's wellness in about two spells and a smattering of bones attacks.


It has a Strength self-buff it uses on the start plough of a round, but for some reason it delayed until the 2d round this time. A costly error as yous tin clearly run into.


So appreciate this ass-shot instead. I mean damn you could bounce a Broken Phantasm off that thing. A++-ranked haul game.

"Don't. Ask."

" 'Kay, what're we gonna play next?"
"Nosotros gotta get recall about information technology once again. All right, byebye lady."
"… wow. They took that well."

"What was your first inkling? The fact that she didn't die?"
"It was unclear!"
"No it wasn't. Every bit y'all could plainly see, there was no SE.RA.PH warning when we fought that thing. We just killed a familiar."

"No. No information technology tin can't."

"Actually cracking job today, Master! Nosotros're gonna crush this week, I can tell! Anyway, night~!"

"… night."
